As electronic products become increasingly slim and multifunctional, the use of multilayer printed circuit boards (PCBs) has become widespread in the electronics industry. The interlayer connection technology in multilayer PCBs is a key determinant of their performance. This article will focus on the application of microvias, blind vias, and buried vias in the layer stacking design of multilayer PCBs.

Microvia Technology

Microvia technology is one of the core interlayer connection technologies in multilayer PCBs. With diameters typically less than 0.1mm, microvias significantly increase the wiring density of PCBs, reducing signal transmission delays. The application of microvia technology in layer stacking design includes the following points:

Increased Wiring Density: Microvia technology allows for smaller hole spacing, thereby increasing wiring density and facilitating high-speed, high-density signal transmission.

Optimized Signal Integrity: By reducing the signal transmission path, microvia technology minimizes signal loss and crosstalk, enhancing signal integrity.

Space Saving: Microvia technology contributes to thinner PCBs, which is beneficial for reducing product size and meeting the demands of portable electronic products.

Blind Via Technology

Blind via technology involves drilling holes that only penetrate from the top or bottom layer to an internal layer in multilayer PCBs. The application of blind via technology in layer stacking design is as follows:

Simplified Routing: Blind vias enable direct connections between the top or bottom layer and internal layers, simplifying the routing process and improving efficiency.

Reduced Signal Interference: Blind via technology helps to shorten the signal transmission path, reducing interference and improving signal quality.

Enhanced Thermal Performance: By filling blind vias with thermally conductive materials, the thermal performance of the PCB can be improved, reducing thermal resistance.

Buried Via Technology

Buried via technology involves drilling holes that penetrate through the entire PCB but only connect to internal layers. The application of buried via technology in layer stacking design includes the following points:

Increased Routing Flexibility: Buried via technology allows for arbitrary connections between internal layers, increasing routing flexibility and meeting complex circuit design requirements.

Lower Signal Interference: Buried via technology helps to minimize signal interference, enhancing signal transmission quality.

Enhanced Structural Strength: Buried vias can reinforce the structural integrity of the PCB, improving product reliability.


The application of microvias, blind vias, and buried vias in the layer stacking design of multilayer PCBs contributes to improved performance, reduced signal interference, and optimized thermal performance, meeting the demands for slimmer, faster, and more densely packed electronic products. With the continuous development of the electronics industry, these interlayer connection technologies will play an increasingly important role. In the design process, engineers must consider factors such as product performance, cost, and reliability when applying microvia, blind via, and buried via technologies.